
Membership Fees

Membership Fees

Explore exclusive privileges with our affordable membership plans. Join us today and unlock a world of premium benefits and unmatched hospitality.

Hotel Membership Fees

Particular Subscription Fee Legal Fund Total Entrance Fee for New member Total Amount G.S.T 18% Grand Total
10-40 rooms 6000.00 1200.00 7200.00 5000.00 12200.00 2196.00 14396.00
41-80 rooms 9000.00 1800.00 10800.00 5000.00 15800.00 2844.00 18644.00
81-150 rooms 12000.00 2400.00 14400.00 5000.00 19400.00 3492.00 22892.00
151-200 rooms 17000.00 3400.00 20400.00 5000.00 25400.00 4572.00 29972.00
201 and above 20000.00 4000.00 24000.00 5000.00 29000.00 5220.00 34220.00

Restaurant Membership Fees

Particular Subscription Fee Legal Fund Total Entrance Fee for New member Total Amount G.S.T 18% Grand Total
25-50 covers 4500.00 900.00 5400.00 5000.00 10400.00 1872.00 12272.00
51-100 covers 5000.00 1000.00 6000.00 5000.00 11000.00 1980.00 12980.00
101 and above covers 6500.00 1300.00 7800.00 5000.00 12800.00 2304.00 15104.00

Associate Membership Fees

Particular Subscription Fee Legal Fund Total Entrance Fee for New member Total Amount G.S.T 18% Grand Total
4500.00 900.00 5400.00 5000.00 10400.00 1872.00 12272.00